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When getting a new glove, what every ball player wants the most is to be able to break in their glove and step into the field as soon as possible. However, this can be difficult to achieve, since the leather of the glove is very stiff. A product that will definitely break in your glove and make it soft and ready to use is the Hot Glove Heat Treatment.
The Hot Glove Heat Treatment is extremely convenient not only for new gloves, but also old ones that need to be restored. Since 1994, this product give players a fast and simple way to break in their gloves and avoid using methods that may take more time to work.
The way this heat treatment works is simple: take a decent amount of foam from the can after shaking it and cover your glove with it — leather and vinyl gloves can be treated with this product. Once it is completely covered, place your glove on a cookie sheet and take it to a preheated oven.
This product activates with low heat, opening the pore of the fabric and letting the treatment sit in. In just 4 minutes you can start to manipulate your glove. After 10 minutes, you will have a new, soft glove for you to play.
In case your glove needs a bit more treatment, you can apply it again and go through the same process. It is also good to give old gloves a good maintenance, since the leather will be ready to receive any conditioner you want to put on it. A can of Hot Glove includes up to 8 heat treatments on it, which is a nice amount if you use it just as needed.
The Hot Glove Treatment is a great gift for ball players. It leaves your glove soft and waterproof, and does not include any toxic components on its formula. In addition, it is specially good for the gloves of young players, since they won’t give them a hard time to adjust after applying the treatment.
Hot Glove Break-in Kit Glove Care Management System
- COVER ALL YOUR BASES WITH THE BASICS OF GLOVE CARE!!! The Hot Glove Management System offers complete glove care in one package. The kit includes 3 products to let you break in, maintain, and preserve your baseball or softball glove.
- Hot Glove Heat Treatment breaks in your glove quickly and safely. Instantly breaks in your new glove and also restores your old glove. Hot Glove Softens, Conditions, and Waterproofs. Non-Toxic, safe, and effective. Millions of gloves have successfully been treated with Hot Glove.
If you want to learn step by step how to use the Hot Glove Heat Treatment, watch this video by Kevin Niksich and see the amazing results with your own eyes!